Board of Directors


Hanna Björk
My name is Hanna and I am currently in my fifth year studying chemical engineering with focus on pharmaceuticals. Currently I am serving my first term as the president of our section, and I am incredibly grateful to be part of this amazing group. Although it still feels new and overwhelming, I am looking forward to the exciting opportunities that the upcoming year has to offer!
As president, my main responsibility is to oversee our operations. This includes supporting my fellow board members in their various roles and responsibilities, as well as convening our section members for general meetings each term.
If you have any suggestions for activities or projects you would like to see us undertake, or if you have any thoughts or feedback on our operations, I strongly encourage you to reach out! We are always open to new ideas and strive to create an inclusive and engaging environment for all our members.
Treasurer as well as Vice President

Agnes Landström
Hello, my name is Agnes and I’m a fifth year student specializing in pharmaceuticals! As Treasurer and Vice President I’m mainly responsible for the section’s finances, i.e. our income and expenses and the accounting for these. I am also financially responsible for the section’s sports association, KIF.
In addition to the financial responsibility, I am also Vice President. This means that I support Hanna in her work when needed.
If you have any questions about my position, the section’s finances or anything else, just get in touch with me either at Ångan or in BMC’s long corridors, or send an email to the emails below.
(Deputy) Enterprise Manager

Caisa Bäcklin
Enterprise Manager

Lovisa Mattsson
(Deputy) Head of the Pub Crew

Felix Säfvenblad
Hello! My name is Felix, and I am the Deputy Club Master. I’m in my third year studying materials science at K, and together with Malin, we form the section’s Club Master duo. We are responsible for all sittings and social events within the section this year. We work with our club team to make sure that your time as a student is as fun as possible outside of studies, and to give you an opportunity to have fun in ways other than just attending lectures and doing labs. Additionally, we hope that our involvement strengthens the internal cohesion within the section, as well as with other sections through joint events. If you have any questions, ideas, or thoughts, don’t hesitate to reach out!
Head of the Pub Crew

Malin Jonsson
Hi! My name is Malin and I hold the position of vice Head of the Pub Crew. I’m in the third year with focus in pharmaceuticals at K and together with Felix we are the section’s Pub Crew duo! We are responsible for the section’s social events and sessions during the year. Our goal is to make your study time fun and memorable and to strengthen the cohesion within the section! We work closely together with our pup committee who always brings that little extra sparkle to all events. In addition, we cooperate a lot with other sections, which contributes to increased cohesion across programs and creation of new conections between students! Do you have any questions or ideas? Do not hesitate to contact us!
Public Relations Liable Person and Webmaster

Juana Mohamed
Heey! My name is Juana, and I’m in my second year at K. As the PR liable person & Webmaster, I’m responsible for keeping our section visible and up-to-date, both online and in the real world. I manage the website, run the section’s Instagram and Facebook, and make sure the K-section is marketed in the best way possible!
In addition, I handle our awesome merch, like our stylish student overalls, sweatshirts, backpacks, patches, and many other branded items – everything from design to purchasing. I’m also in charge of the overall initiation event, where the new students get to break in their much-anticipated overalls!
If you want to advertise a thesis project or anything else to K-students, feel free to contact me via email. If you have any questions about my role or just want to chat, reach out via email, Facebook, or grab me at Ångan or BMC!
Internationally Liable Person as well as Secretary

Simon Sundström
Student Welfare Liable Person

Julia Piwowar
Education Liable Person

Alma Clerté
Hii! My name is Alma Clerté and I’m in my second year at K. I am the education liable person for the k-section. My job is to make sure that courses that we take are relevant for the program and that they follow the current guidelines! Simply put study monitoring. You can contact me if you have any questions about your education, your rights as students as well as if you find any problems with a course that you have. You can contact me trough mail, facebook or by talking to me when you see me!
Sports Manager

Albin Forsberg
Hello! My name is Albin and I am in the second year. I am the person responsible for sports at HT24 and my task is to organize sports-related events for the section. My goal in the post is to have a varied offer with different sports and activities where everyone should feel welcome. That people want to come to sporting events and have fun is the most important thing! For me, exercise is an essential part of everyday life because it helps me with physical and mental well-being, but above all I think it’s extremely fun, regardless of sport. Looking forward to seeing you at the trainings!
If you have any questions or requests, it’s great to get in touch with me, and feel free to say hello if you run into me at Ångan!